Blog #2 Becoming the change…

My Artifact

“We must become the change we want to see”.   Ghandi

This is one of my favorite quotations because it reminds me that change always starts with us, on an individual level. Too often, as teachers, we sit around complaining about aspects of our job that we dislike, or may have no control over. Instead, our time and energy would be better spent focusing on how we can adapt to the present circumstances, and make the best of the situation.

This plaque serves as a constant reminder to me that I need to consciously choose to make the best out of any situation I find myself in. My positive reaction may influence others to make positive choices as well, but even if it does not, I still feel empowered when I make decide to put a positive spin on less than ideal circumstances. This message validates my belief that one person really can make a difference, and contribute positively to improving the world, whether it is in the classroom, school, or community.

2 thoughts on “Blog #2 Becoming the change…”

  1. I absolutely love your artifact! I think that because education is such a broad field that in order for us to see change that they want, they have to in act the change. I had this quote in my classroom, right by the sink where kids would see it every day. I think that by the end of the school year most of them finally realized what the quote meant. I didn’t tell them at the beginning of the year what I thought it meant because I wanted to impose my own thoughts about the subject. It wasn’t until the second last day of the school year that I took the quote off the wall, we sat in a talking circle and shared what we thought it meant. It was absolutely fantastic to hear all the different ideas that my students had!


    1. What a great idea. I think that too often, I am guilty of imposing my thoughts (unintentionally) instead of hearing what students think first. I am planning on changing that. Thanks for your comments.


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